How to install Git on Windows 10

How to Install Git in Windows 10

Git is a widely used open-source software version control tracking application used to track projects across different teams and revision levels. In this blog, we will show you how to install Git on your Windows machine.

How to install Git on Windows 10
How to install Git on Windows 10


  • Admin privileges
  • Access to CMD or Command Line
  • Text Editor ex. VS Code
  • Username and Password for the GitHub website (Optional)

Steps for Installing Git on Windows

Installing Git prompts you to select a Text Editor. If you don’t have one, you can either download VS Code or Sublime Text. We strongly advise you to install any of the above before installing Git.

Download Git for Windows

  1. Browse to the Official Git Website:
  2. Click Download For Windows and let the download to complete.
Git Download
Git Download Page – Source:

Launch Git Installer

1. Download Location

Browse to the Download location and double click on the file to extract and launch the installer.

2. Give Required Permission

Allow the app to make changes to your device by clicking Yes on the User Account Control dialogue that pops up.

3. Read License Terms & Conditions

Review the GNU General Public License, and when you are ready, click Next.

Git GNU General Public License
Git GNU General Public License
4. Install Location

The Installer will ask for the location. Leave it as it is unless you want to install it in a different location, and click Next.

Git Select Destination Location
Git Destination Location
5. Select Component

A Select Component screen will appear. Leave it to default selections unless you want to add some other features, and click Next.

Git Select Components
Git Select Components
6. Start Menu Folder

The Installer will offer to Select Start Menu Folder. Leave it as it is, and click Next.

Git Select Start Menu Folder
Git Select Start Menu Folder
7. Selection of Text Editor

Select the Text Editor to be used by Git. Use the drop-down menu to choose your favourite Text Editor, and click Next.

Git Choosing Default Editor
Choosing The Default Editor Used By Git
8. Initial Branch Name

It will ask you to adjust the initial branch name in the new repository. Choose Let Git Decide, and click Next.

Adjusting The Name Of The Initial Branch In New Repositories
9. Path Environment

This step allows you to adjust your PATH environment. Choose Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software (Recommended), and click Next.

Git PATH Environment
Git Adjusting Your PATH Environment
10. Library To Use

Choose Use the OpenSSL Library option, and click Next.

Git Choosing HTTPS Transport Backend
Git Choosing HTTPS Transport Backend
11. Configure Line-Ending Conversions

In this step, you will be asked to configure line-ending conversions. We recommend you leave the default selection and click Next.

Git Configuring The Line Ending conversions
Git Configuring The Line Ending Conversions
12. Choose Terminal Emulator

Choose the terminal emulator you want to use. The Default MinTTY is recommended because of its features. After selection, click Next.

Git Configuring Terminal Emulator To Use With Git Bash
Git Configuring The Terminal Emulator to use with Git Bash
13. Choose Default Behaviour

Choose the default behaviour of ‘git pull’. Default (Fast-Forward or Merge) is recommended. After selection, click Next.

Git Choose Default Behaviour Of Git Pull
Git Choose The Default Behaviour Of “git pull”
14. Choose Credential Helper

Choose a credential helper. Git Credential Manager Core is recommended. After selection, click Next.

Git Choose Credential Helper
Git Choose A Credential Helper
15. Configuring Extra Options

The default options are recommended. However, this step allows you to decide which extra option you would like to enable. After selection, click Next.

Git Configuring Extra Options
Git Configuring Extra Options
16. Configuring Experimental Features

Depending on the version of Git you’re installing, it may offer to install experimental features. At the time of writing and publishing this article, the option to Enable experimental support for pseudo consoles and built-in file system monitor was offered. Unless you are feeling adventurous and are not confident to use experimental features, leave them unchecked and click Install.

Git Configuring Experimental Options
Git Configuring Experimental Options

17. Complete Git Installation

Once the installation is complete, tick the box to view the Release Log, or Launch Git Bash, then click Finish.

Git Completing The Git Setup Wizard
Git Completing The Git Setup Wizard

How To Launch Git In Windows

Git has two modes of use, the first is a Git Bash (Command Line) and the second is Git GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Launch Git Bash Shell

To launch Git Bash Shell open the Windows Start Menu, and search Git Bash, and press Enter or click the app to open the application.

Launch Git GUI

To launch Git GUI open the Windows Start Menu, and search Git GUI, and press Enter or click the app to open the application.


By now, you must have installed Git on your PC. In the next post, we will be covering how to create a GitHub account and how to make a GitHub repository.

If you have any questions or facing any errors, do let us know in the comments below.

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